Expression of interest

Consultancy services to support ranches, farms and feedlots to strengthen beef production systems in Kenya

A bull

Given the challenges related to the quality and quantity of cattle available to processors and retailers to meet market demand, Kenya urgently needs to strengthen beef production systems that effectively link pastoralist producers to the off-takers. Gatsby sees value addition, in the form of finishing and fattening, as part of the solution so that cattle going through the system are of better quality, pastoralists are better linked into the formal value chain, throughput is increased, and challenges around seasonal variations in the supply of cattle are addressed.

This consultancy aims to support Gatsby’s work in strengthening beef production systems in Kenya. The consultant will provide hands-on support to several farms, ranches and feedlot operations across Kenya that Gatsby is partnering with, providing advice on designing and implementing commercially viable beef production operations.

Click to download the full expression of interest